#Tory government

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1 month ago
Europe politics

Rishi Sunak shelves flagship Rwanda and smoking policies before election

Rishi Sunak drops flagship policies, leaving legacy in question. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI doctors and chatbot nurses? Labour must show the future of the NHS isn't so dystopian | Jeni Tennison

Labour hopes to use AI to rescue the NHS, but tech-utopian visions could reshape relationships with doctors and undermine NHS principles.
Both Labour and the Tory government see potential in AI to improve healthcare, but it is not a magic bullet for the NHS crisis. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Rishi Sunak shelves flagship Rwanda and smoking policies before election

Rishi Sunak drops flagship policies, leaving legacy in question. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI doctors and chatbot nurses? Labour must show the future of the NHS isn't so dystopian | Jeni Tennison

Labour hopes to use AI to rescue the NHS, but tech-utopian visions could reshape relationships with doctors and undermine NHS principles.
Both Labour and the Tory government see potential in AI to improve healthcare, but it is not a magic bullet for the NHS crisis. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK politics

Thatcherism is the worst kind of model for Labour | Letters

Keir Starmer's praise of Thatcher as an effective prime minister was misunderstood and seen as a tin-eared statement.
The current Tory government is characterized by ineffectiveness and a failure to plan for the future. [ more ]
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